Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Chapter 8: Shu-Nanman

A Hero's Farewell
Zhao Yun passed away peacefully on June 231, the last of the Shu five tigers.

It was no miracle. Wu Tugu knew it deep in his heart. Every move so well calculated, some failed yet there was always a secondary plan. A contrast to his 'equal force, to roughly equal defense' approach that he adopted, Zhuge Liang prevailed against overwhelming odds. A mixture of deceit, traps and diplomacy. This man is the complete package.

Town HP is how much structural damage it can take

Wu forces retreated, but Xiang Yang was in bad shape. If Wei manage to land and raze the gates, the whole citizens will riot and submit to Wei's army. Half of the gold storage was sent to Wu, a high price for two months of cease fire. It does not guarantee military aid from Wu as evidenced from their rapid vanishing from Xiang Yang's border. They were hurt badly and was about to claim a high price for victory. But they knew deep inside even if they prevailed, Wei would have swept them aside with little effort and expanded to the south once more. They rather rest and prepare to retake it once the cease fire expires or once Wei has taken it over.

On the river coast, Zhuge Liang led Zhang Yi and Ma Zhong on defensive construction projects. He alone sat by the river in deep thought as the two units build a turret and a line of wall to seal off the entrance. Xiang Yang needs at least a few months before she fully recovers from the wounds.

Not a moment too soon, a flame tower landed off the docks and set fire to the turret. Mulu Dousi is arriving from Yong An with 8000 men and much needed supplies. Wei forces led by Chen Tai Wang Ling and Xu Huang is arriving by boats with roughly 27,000 in addition to Bei Yan's Flame tower
"No more tricks, scholar!", Xu Huang sneered as his ship neared the coast, unleashing fire arrows to burn the walls down. Zhuge Liang remained calm and pointed to the east with his fan. Xu Huang turned around and was surprised with what he saw.

Four vessels, flying the banners of Wu were behind him and are laying siege at his home port. He turned around to find the scholar missing and instead in his place two flame towers unleashing incinerating projectiles at his ship. 'They've allied, in such a short time?!' he cursed under his breath.

Xu Huang decided to aid the landing force instead but found it was too late, too little. Wang Ling is being hit from three sides. Xiang Chong's fire arrows found their mark and burned them into the ground. Wei Yan's pikemen mopping them up gleefully in double chain attacks. The day seems lost as his vessel lay burning on the river, incinerated by Zhu Rong's flame tower. He ordered his men to return to port Hu Yang to defend it from Wu.

Wei Yan and Zhu Rong took this opportunity to attack port Zhong Lu which allows Wei invasion force to land near Xiang Yang. The defenders were outnumbered three to one. One of Meng Huo's army troops reported to Zhu Rong, "Milady, Wu's army are saluting us across the river. They've taken Port Hu Yang!".

Zhu Rong smiled and saluted them back.

Winter came later, and war came to a slowdown. The next month, Zhuge Liang sent another emissary with a large tribute to secure an extension to the cease fire. Sun Quan did not resist the idea. With Wu forces holding port Hu Yang, Zhuge promised to assist them with the defence if needed.

Xiang Yang is now strong enough to stand on its own. Development begins on the outskirts, assisted by the Shu scholars most constructions were completed within a month. Making use of this peaceful time, Lady Zhu Rong approached Zhuge Liang for advice.

"Zhuge Liang, I need your advice on your certain matter."
"Yes my queen?"
"Excluding you, who is the most skilled young officer at the moment?"
"Oh, an interesting question. Milady need not include me in your search for eligible bachelors to marry Hua Man. But I can name a few candidates." Zhuge replied eagerly.
"You are very perceptive. How did you know I was looking for a male successor?"
"Milady, some former officers of Shu still do not trust the Nanmans, only by mixing both of our lineage, especially when it is one of royalty we can achieve a stronger bond. And if you are asking for skilled officer in battle, Wu Tugu is already one of them but your 'young' requirements seem different."
"Hahaha. Indulge me, Zhuge"
"Guan Suo, Guan Xing and Zhang Bao.", he confidently answered.
"You can exclude the last one."
"Ah very well, it is down to these two sons of Guan Yu, the God of war." Zhuge chuckled.
"Tell me more"

"Guan Suo is younger by a year. His battle experience is excellent and exudes certain charm. His intelligence is average and does not have high interest in politics. He can be quite reckless too, at times."
"His command of Cavary however, is unequalled. Comparable to the Flying General, Lu Bu himself. No unit can maintain their concentration after suffering from his devastating stampede!"

"What about Guan Xing?"

"He is very similar to his younger brother, but has more interest in the finer arts of literature and politics."

"Hmm, what makes him more unique then?"

"He is bold, but not reckless. His command of Pike tactics is superb. Also, he is very generous with promotion, granting extra willpower to his men after he defeats an enemy unit."

"Have you made your decision, milady?"

"Yes. Pick an auspicious date and let's start it while times are peaceful" the Queen of Nan Man rose from her seat. Meng Huo will learn to like him. A fine warrior such as him.

And so they married in the winter. Shu and Nanman unites as one.

And with that another era of Three Kingdoms is established
-The End-

Just Kidding!


Kaizer Ouen said...

oh nooo... poor Guan Suo


but i prefer him with Bao Shan Niang, his real wife.
btw, what happen to Shan Niang?

dq said...

Gosh, you are truly hilarious. I kept reading this since I stumbled upon it. I cant stop laughing when I read that line "you can exclude the last one". Poor Zhang Bao. Oh man, I will pay you so I can read more of your stuffs like this.