Thursday, February 05, 2009

Chapter 11: Zhuge Liang's successor

"Yet another attack?" Zhuge Liang pondered from his seat.

"Yes, milord. It is 10,000 strong but this Wei officer is quite talented," the scout remarked.

"What is his name?"

"Jiang Wei of Chang An, milord."

"Let him pass unchallenged till every unit is within range. Then surround him. I want him captured alive."

Wan's defense is pretty solid with Zhang Bao and a score of other talented officers. But Jiang Wei evaded our capture. Zhuge Liang insisted they push forward to Chang An to capture him, leaving Wan slightly weaker.

"This man is worth the trouble. I have an appointment to keep in Chang An anyway," he explained with a glint in his eyes as Zhang Bao, Wang Ping and Ma Dai led the charge to Chang An through Tong Gate.

Elsewhere, Sun Quan leads the Shou Chun offensive after months of being in defense.

Wei attempted a quick counter attack on Xin Ye from Xu Cheng.

Back in Chang An, Zhuge Liang has succeeded in capturing Jiang Wei. The strategist instructed him to be well-treated in his imprisonment. He wishes to speak with Jiang Wei after Chang An is captured.

Jiang Wei is extremely skilled in all aspects of battle. Leadership, War and Intelligence is actually all you need in the battlefield. He held nearly all 90 scores on those three!

His unique skill is no slouch either. Counter Plan, when an enemy strategy failed to affect his unit he will counter the enemy with the same plot for free. Wicked!

Elsewhere, Zhu Rong leads the defense at Xin Ye with Wan's meager forces sending what they could. With Ma Su's strategy, the Shu Nanman forces prevailed over an equal Wei forces without much casualty.

Wei's counterattack utterly crushed.

Elsewhere, Lu Xun leads a defense at the newly captured city of Shou Cun

Wu Tugu's cavalry is tired yet jubilant. Chang An is within sight. After conquering three cities namely Wu Wei, An Ding and Tian Shui his men prepared to siege the large city of Chang An. Guan Suo kept morale up with his jokes and tales of Zhuge Liang's miraculous defense of Xiang Yang. He added they could meet this amazing man in Chang An. As a bonus, their campaign was highlighted with the successful capture and executions of Cao Hong and Sima Yi. There was never really enough forces to stop a blitz of this size in the western Wei territory. Not when they moved from city to city within less than a month.

"My prince, there's a problem!" Tugu shouted.

"What is it, Tugu?" Guan Suo looked ahead.

"Chang An banner is our colour. Is it a trick?"

"I'll ride ahead and check out myself." Guan Suo galloped with a few cavalry accompanying him he need not ride far before he recognize a familiar figure speaking with another scholar.


"Jiang Wei, I've not much time left. Shu-Nanman need men like you to succeed. We are so close to unifying China. A prefect like Xiahou Mao does not deserve a brilliant officer like you." Zhuge Liang tries to persuade the Wei officer.

"I know what you mean, yet the thought of fighting my former comrades disturbs me somewhat."

"They will all be spared, Jiang Wei. Except for the Cao clan, Xiahou's, and evil Sima family. Once Wei is finished, there's still Wu to deal with. I don't think I'll last that long." Zhuge Liang stated bluntly. "I know I can trust you. There's a talented man who needs your help."

"Who is it? King Meng Huo of the Nanman?" Jiang Wei queried. Zhuge shook his head.

"KONG MING!!!! I did it!" a rider shouted at the top of his voice. Clouds of dust conjured behind his steed. He carries the Shu Nanman banner in his left hand and Blue Dragon blade strapped on his back.

"Ah, there he is. Almost a year earlier than I expected." smiled the strategist.


Guan Suo's campaign to conquer the northwestern Wei is a total success. Zhuge Liang secured Chang An as Xin Ye and Wan held back Wei's counter attacks. Shu Nanman's territories almost doubled in two years. Sun Quan's Wu Army takes Shou Cun and attempts to hold it. The Wei Kingdom has not achieved a single victory in the face of this massive alliance. But people whispered how long will this last. What happens when Wei is no more?

-End of Chapter 11-

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