Saturday, February 07, 2009

Chapter 15: Brute Force

Jiang Wei sat in deep thought, pondering his options. The large empire of Nanman should have enough resources to mount a full scale invasion on Wu's remaining territories. The last few months of action has resulted in Wu border garrison strength cut into two third, but mounting an offensive proved to be a challenge. The bureaucracy involved makes prioritizing frontline cities a must. He can no longer afford managing every single city development.

He quickly authorized a research into Catapults technology. With this new invention, he is confident cities will fall more quickly that before. Once Jiang Xia and Jiang Ling fall, the final invasion can begin. He is losing talented men at a rapid rate, Wu Tugu passed away recently, followed with Guan Xing and Ma Su. Zhang Bao's health is deteriorating. One last push, before total unity can be achieved.

"Commander, Wu is attempting a raid on our farmlands." a soldier reported into his command tent.

"Send our cavalry to deal with it. And send a signal to Guan Suo to move out from Lu Jiang. Notify Zhang Bao as well." he set his plan into motion. He must accept losses, flawless executions are nigh impossible without brilliant strategists on the field. Brute force will surely prevail.

The forces from Xin Ye will combine together with Guan Suo's cavalry from Lu Jiang to take Jiang Xia. At the same time King Meng Huo will lead an invasion into Jiang Ling.

The new catapults are proving themselves to be very useful in battle, with its distance of three tiles. But additional research will enable them to hit a 6 square radius around its target, wreaking havoc in tight formations and city defenses. The already weakened garrison in Jiang Ling falls quickly.

Elsewhere, Zhang Bao forces from Xin Ye encountered fierce resistance but this is according to plan. Since all of their attention is diverted to the west, Guan Suo's cavalry can move in and assault the city gates directly without waiting for siege weapons support. A costly yet necessary maneuver.

With the capture of Jiang Ling and Jiang Xia, the kingdom of Nanman can now focus on total invasion across the river. However, historians would recall the final stages of the conflict lacking in terms of strategic depth as Nanman continue to lose their talented officers to old age. A simple contest of strength instead of guile will decide the union of China.

-End of Chapter 15-

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