Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Chapter 10: Guan Suo's Vow

"So have you decided yet, Kong Ming?" Guan Suo approached the strategist again the next day.

"Oh? Yes. This should be simple enough, I've sent a message to King Meng Huo to send an invasion force northwards into Wei territory. They've started marching out of Zi Tong as we speak."

"Oh, what about us?"

"We need to wait for fresh supplies from Xiang Yang. Xin Ye has very little to develop and can never be self sufficient. We just have to be patient, and strike northwest towards Wan."

"We're not pushing to the East? I thought Wu needed help?"

"Too slow. Staying here and putting pressure on Wei's western front will help more than assisting Wu on the east. We have too few navy officers at the moment."

Days passed, and the northern invasion broke through the hill fortification and entered Wei borders to lay siege upon the city of Han Zhong.

Wei forces attempted to slow their march by constructing an archer turret, but before it could finish, Yong Kai's flame tower razed it to the ground. Additional Wei forces moved in to stop us, but they were poorly armed and posed very little challenge.

Elsewhere in Xin Ye, a prince was seen running towards the Strategist's office.

"Kong Ming! Supplies have arrived, and we are ready to go!", shouted Guan Suo, eager to lead the attack.

"Mmmmm, I know. I've sent word for them to go on ahead without us." replied the strategist without looking up from his book.

"But why am I not included? I can help!"

"Oh, don't worry. When the time comes, I'll go with you. We're waiting for something special." answered Zhuge, with a haughty expression in his eyes.

"Well then, so be it. I noticed you've sent Zhang Bao and Wei Yan accompanied with two flame towers, I guess you need me to defend Xin Ye from any attacks while they're away?"

"Mmmm, no. Just wait ten more days, be patient. Come with me, I want to show you something."

Both walked out of the office towards the outskirts of Xin Ye. There's not much land to develop, so Zhuge Liang instructed only a small plot of land to be dedicated to food production while the rest are military facilities such as barracks. They finally arrived at their destination, a newly constructed stables with many horses being bred inside.

"Err, what are we doing here?" Guan Suo queried.

"Here, take a rake and pile some hay over to the ones on the left. I'll do the ones on the right." Zhuge Liang cheerfully exclaimed as he rolled up his sleeves and get to work.

"WHAT?! You want me to feed horses?" Guan Suo's face turned red. Oh father, if you can only see me now!

"So you can have your cavalry unit to assault Wan. We just need to breed a bit more, dont' worry, we'll catch up to them quickly." Zhuge nonchalantly explained.

"Oh." all the rage dissipated, Guan Suo went to work, imagining the Wei infantry as the haystacks he piled up. He did this without fail for ten days, much to the bemusement of the farmers around him.

And the day finally came.

Guan Suo immediately set off for Wan, hoping to catch a piece of the action.

At Wan, the battle is in favor of Shu-Nanman, however Wei Yan is angry with the persistence of a Cavalry unit led by Xu Huang who kept hounding his men, outmaneuvering him at every turn, intending to deal as much as possible before retreating.

A rapid sound of gallops drew his attention. He wondered if it's more enemy reinforcements. He smiled when he saw Guan Suo and Zhuge Liang trying hard to keep up with the eager prince.

"My prince, the town's ours, there's no need to..." Zhuge tried to tell him but was cut off by the prince shouting orders.

"MEN! Flank the Wei unit and prepare for onslaught!"

Xu Huang sighed when he saw the Shu banner flying high on Wan's walls and prepared to order a retreat, but his escape was cut off by 10,000 cavalry charging from behind.

"We're being attacked, prepare your-" his commands didn't get through. Hundreds flee for their lives and many were brutally struck down by long spears. He recognized the young officer as Guan Suo, the youngest son of Guan Yu. "CALM DOWN!" he tried to settle his hapless men, but it isn't working. He escaped in the midst of confusion as Wei Yan's unit finished off the scattered cavalry.


Hua Man entered the gates of Han Zhong. The defenders were utterly defeated, with the faraway news of victory at Wan bringing up morale of the troops who are exhausted from the long march from Zi Tong. She let her men rest a bit as she surveyed the damage to the facilities outside the city. "Milady," a soldier approached her.

"What is it?"

"Message from the city of Wan." he bowed as he handed over the parchment.

She smiled as she read the content. It was very short and to the point.
One tower to Shang Yong, the rest wait for Guan Suo.

Elsewhere at Wan

"So what's next, Kong Ming?" asked Guan Suo as he chomped on the warm mantou.

"That was quite reckless, but effective." Zhuge Liang stated.

"Mmm, no big deal. I learn a lot from Uncle Ma Chao. He can deal more damage than I do, but I'm still better at causing chaos on horseback!" Guan Suo boasted proudly as he took another bite.

"Get ready to move out to Shang Yong in ten days"

"But we just got here yesterday!"

"Let me brief you of my plan. Pay attention, because it could be a long time before we meet face to face again." Zhuge Liang's expression turned serious.

"What do you mean?"

"Guan Suo, I've seen what you can do today. My following battle strategy will emphasize on speed than a prolonged fight. Something that you excel at. Sowing disarray at key enemy units as your comrades attack them freely."

"Thanks, Kong Ming!"

Aegis: 50% dmg taken from normal attacks. Fire attacks deal double.
Stampede: confuses target on successful cavalry tactics (i.e Onslaught,Charge)
Clear Thought: immune to perturb and misinform

"You will head west to Shang Yong with Wei Yan and Wu Tugu. I'm putting you under Wu Tugu's command. He can protect your unit better with his Aegis command skill. Just be careful of fire. Jiang Wan will protect you from enemy strategies. Wei Yan will lead his own cavalry unit. A flame tower will deal most of the damage to the city. Protect it from harm and take Shang Yong, I've called for another flame tower to be sent from Han Zhong. They will join you in battle a little late."

"Alright. I'll prepare then" Guan Suo swallowed the last piece of the bun before standing up.

"I'm not finished yet. I don't want you to stop there." Zhuge drew a deep breath before continuing, "group up with Hua Man's forces in Han Zhong, there you will lead the north western campaign. Trust Jiang Wan's advice and rely on Wei Yan's strength to aid you. King Meng Huo will give you all the supplies you need from the Nanmans. Gold, horses, food, whatever you need. I will defend Wan and Xin Ye from the Wei while you settle matters in the north. I suspect this will take you at least two years to accomplish. I will send more help if I feel it is necessary, but I know you can do it. Any questions?" Zhuge smiled after he finished.

Guan Suo stood there open mouthed for a moment before recovering.

"Thank you for trusting in me, Kong Ming!" Guan Suo bowed.

"If everything goes well, we'll reunite at Chang An in two years time." smiled the strategist.

"I won't fail you!" Guan Suo shouted as he walked out of the office.

They moved out quickly to Shang Yong.

Ten days after they left. Zhang Bao came with a message.

"And the defense begins..." Zhuge Liang whispered as he looked outside the window.

Zhang Hu reached Wan first with 14,000 cavalry with Sima Zhao 6,000 archers close behind him as support. A siege tower was coming from Shang Yong to assist but still has not arrived.

A lone man emerged from the city gates. He instantly recognized who he is. "It's Zhuge Liang, beware of his trickery!" Too late, the scholar raised his fan and a thunderous sound can be heard echoing throughout the snowy plains, unsettling his horses. He is unable to move until his men can settle their mounts' anxiety. Immediately, a force of 10,000 archers, a flame tower and 10,000 spear men rushed forward out of their city, simultaneously ravaging Sima's unit till it is down to a few hundred men.

He could not even react before a second volley of flames and Ma Dai's cavalry crushed his unit from behind. Things looked bad, where was the siege unit promised from Shang Yong, he wondered. Why is it not here? Unless...

"Kong Ming, I'll see you at Chang An" Guan Suo vowed as he marched into Shang Yong with his cavalry, ready to move out for Han Zhong in ten days. Wei suffered a double blow that year. With their eastern naval campaign not gaining ground against Wu, they've lost three towns in rapid succession to Shu-Nanman's newest Prince and Strategist. And now they've set their sights on the vulnerable northwestern territories of Wei...

-End of Chapter 10-

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