Saturday, February 07, 2009

Chapter 14: Casualties

"Milord, I've requested reinforcements from Xin Ye. They'll be here within a month." Tugu shouted in the midst of battle.

"Alright, you hear that soldiers? Hold this city till then!" Meng Huo barked. It proved harder than he thought.

"Evacuate the supplies! We may lose the city but at least our supplies won't fall to their hands!" Hua Man ordered. E Huan complied and led a small detachment northwards to the port of Zhong Lu, carrying all the supplies in the city. Xiang Yang is about to fall.

Elsewhere near Xin Ye, Zhang Bao andWang Ping successfully completed their retreat. Seeing that Nanman forces have cancelled their attack, Wu forces stopped pursuing and instead set their sights on Shou Chun.

However, Wu forces invading Shou Chun met the fury of Nanman cavalry that made a hasty return from Lu Jiang.

Their timely intervention prevented the city from being taken over with the gates of Shou Chun in very critical state. In matter of days, Wu's counterattack was crushed.

Xin Ye reinforcements allowed Meng Huo forces to recapture Xiang Yang. Although most improvements have been razed to the ground, supplies such as food, weapons and gold were successfully evacuated to Zhong Lu by E Huan. It's a simple matter of bringing them back in to the city while they rebuild. Wu's counterattacks has failed in both fronts with Nanman forces gaining Lu Jiang. Jiang Wei's forces suffered minimal damage while Zhang Bao lost 15,000 men that Li Yan was leading. King Meng Huo lost over 40,000 men in Xiang Yang, but that was nothing compared to the amount Wu has lost within 5 months.

Wu lost nearly 250,000, with 100,000 casualty in Lu Jiang alone. Jiang Ling invasion force suffered the second worst casualty at around 70,000. Jiang Xia ill fated counter attack cost them 60,000. They have to rebuild quickly before Nanman begin another attack.

-End of Chapter 14-

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