My Job's Easier Than Starcraft II

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Chapter 16: Farewells

Guan Suo inspected his troops in Jiang Xia, 100,000 strong ready to mount a full scale invasion into Wu southern territory. Jiang Wei promised this will take less than a year. If this is the final push, then no efforts must be spared. No tricks, no plots, just a brutal thrust to stop the heart of the dying Wu Empire.

His thoughts were interrupted by a messenger from Emperor Meng Huo.

"My prince, His Highness Emperor Meng Huo wishes to notify you that your wife, Princess Hua Man has fallen ill and is on her death bed in Jiang Ling."

"What? I must see her immediately then!", Guan Suo begin to walk away.

"No milord, His Highness insists that you stay and lead the invasion. He understands the situation and wish you well."

"Very well, please deliver my condolences to His Highness." Guan Suo gritted his teeth. This war has taken so much. Hua Man and he never lived like a normal couple. Both always seperated by war, she is always with her father's army to the west while he handles the eastern theater with Jiang Wei. Rest in peace, it will be over soon. He sought the solace of his quarters leaving the training grounds.

"My condolences, brother." Jiang Wei stepped into his office, "I've heard the news."

"It's alright. After Aunt Huang Ying passed away to join Kong Ming, I'm quite used to it."

"I promise you, this is the final campaign. We will work on peace after all this is over. No more bloodshed." Jiang Wei puts a reassuring hand on his brother's left shoulder.

"Damn that Sun Quan! Why won't he just surrender? Thousands die for his ambition! Why can't he just admit defeat and work together for peace?!" Guan Suo banged his table in frustration.

"We'll march tomorrow. Rest well tonight." Jiang Wei walked outside.

The next day, Emperor Meng Huo ordered his troops to march ahead without him to the city of Wu Ling. He wishes to oversee the burial of his only daughter. The city of Wu Ling, protected by only a garrison fo 15,000 fell quickly to the 50,000 strong invasion force.

At the same day, Guan Suo leads his 90,000 strong out of Jiang Xia to hit southwards. Right before they set sail, tragedy struck. Zhang Bao fell ill and passed away. Guan Suo quickly dispatched Wang Ping to replace him.

The eastern garrison of Lu Jiang and Shou Chun combined together to muster a 90,000 strong task force as well under the command of Empress Zhu Rong to take on Wu's coastal city of Jian Ye. Not a single naval force of Wu showed up to defend the waterways.

Wu's final moments in history is about to unfold.

Meng Huo's forces was unstoppable to the west. Wu Ling's garrison completely overrun, and summoning additional troops from Xiang Yang, Meng Huo blitzed towards the city of Ling Ling within two months. Resistance was minimal, with other Nanman attacks taking hold elsewhere, the rest of Wu cities have to reinforce their own defenses.

Not satisfied, Meng Huo purchased additional supplies and mounted a third attack within 4 months towards the city of Gui Yang. Once again, not prepared for such a ferocious rapid attacks, Wu defenders fell easily.

His men totally exhaused yet jubilant was shocked by his final orders to march northwards to Chang Sha. They were promised tax breaks and high rank on their return to their homeland.

Elsewhere, Zhu Rong forces marched from the freshly captured city of Jian Ye for Hui Ji. The catapults thunderous attack proving too much for the defenders to withstand.

With Hui Ji taken over, the entire Western and Eastern cities of Wu is under Nanman's control. And all that's left is Chang Sha.

On his way to Chang Sha, Guan Suo spotted Sun Quan and gave chase. Surrounding the port of Lu Kou, they set the port ablaze but could find no sign of the Sovereign of Wu. But at the urging of Jiang Wei, Guan Suo marched into the hills to the south, towards Chang Sha where the rest of his forces are besieging the final Wu Stronghold.

On his way to Chang Sha, Guan Suo cavalry was ambushed by three units of Wu defenders.
"Out of my way, cretins!" Guan Sou shouted as he tore them apart one by one, bloodlust overcoming him. He can see Chang Sha burning at the distance. The defenders morale rapidly diminishing.

"Yearghhh!" Wen Yang cried in pain as flames engulfed him.

"Wait, be patient! The rest will be here soon, the city's bound to fall!" Guo Huai cried out to his comrade.

E Huan forces of 16,000 arrived after crossing the river from Wu Ling. Together they take on the city gates as Guan Suo kept the other three units occoupied in the northeastern forest. Moments later, the catapults arrived and delivered the knockout punch to the city defenses.

Chang Sha has fallen! Wu is no more!

Immediately the rest of the defenders threw down their weapons and surrendered. Amidst the chaos and ransack of Chang Sha, Sun Quan, the sovereign of Wu was nowhere to be found.

But that was no concern to Emperor Meng Huo who rejoiced upon recieving the news.
"Tell the people that the war is over. Tell them their Emperor declares that this nation is under one rule: the rule of Nanman!", Meng Huo commanded.

"At once, Sire!"

Meng Huo immediately set about restoring the exhausted lands that had been brought under the control of the Empire, travelling the realm, reassuring the people that the war has indeed ended. The government was reformed and new laws were promulgated.

In the windy hills of northern China, two brothers stood upon the grave of their mentor, praying deeply to the heavens.

-The End-

Chapter 15: Brute Force

Jiang Wei sat in deep thought, pondering his options. The large empire of Nanman should have enough resources to mount a full scale invasion on Wu's remaining territories. The last few months of action has resulted in Wu border garrison strength cut into two third, but mounting an offensive proved to be a challenge. The bureaucracy involved makes prioritizing frontline cities a must. He can no longer afford managing every single city development.

He quickly authorized a research into Catapults technology. With this new invention, he is confident cities will fall more quickly that before. Once Jiang Xia and Jiang Ling fall, the final invasion can begin. He is losing talented men at a rapid rate, Wu Tugu passed away recently, followed with Guan Xing and Ma Su. Zhang Bao's health is deteriorating. One last push, before total unity can be achieved.

"Commander, Wu is attempting a raid on our farmlands." a soldier reported into his command tent.

"Send our cavalry to deal with it. And send a signal to Guan Suo to move out from Lu Jiang. Notify Zhang Bao as well." he set his plan into motion. He must accept losses, flawless executions are nigh impossible without brilliant strategists on the field. Brute force will surely prevail.

The forces from Xin Ye will combine together with Guan Suo's cavalry from Lu Jiang to take Jiang Xia. At the same time King Meng Huo will lead an invasion into Jiang Ling.

The new catapults are proving themselves to be very useful in battle, with its distance of three tiles. But additional research will enable them to hit a 6 square radius around its target, wreaking havoc in tight formations and city defenses. The already weakened garrison in Jiang Ling falls quickly.

Elsewhere, Zhang Bao forces from Xin Ye encountered fierce resistance but this is according to plan. Since all of their attention is diverted to the west, Guan Suo's cavalry can move in and assault the city gates directly without waiting for siege weapons support. A costly yet necessary maneuver.

With the capture of Jiang Ling and Jiang Xia, the kingdom of Nanman can now focus on total invasion across the river. However, historians would recall the final stages of the conflict lacking in terms of strategic depth as Nanman continue to lose their talented officers to old age. A simple contest of strength instead of guile will decide the union of China.

-End of Chapter 15-

Chapter 14: Casualties

"Milord, I've requested reinforcements from Xin Ye. They'll be here within a month." Tugu shouted in the midst of battle.

"Alright, you hear that soldiers? Hold this city till then!" Meng Huo barked. It proved harder than he thought.

"Evacuate the supplies! We may lose the city but at least our supplies won't fall to their hands!" Hua Man ordered. E Huan complied and led a small detachment northwards to the port of Zhong Lu, carrying all the supplies in the city. Xiang Yang is about to fall.

Elsewhere near Xin Ye, Zhang Bao andWang Ping successfully completed their retreat. Seeing that Nanman forces have cancelled their attack, Wu forces stopped pursuing and instead set their sights on Shou Chun.

However, Wu forces invading Shou Chun met the fury of Nanman cavalry that made a hasty return from Lu Jiang.

Their timely intervention prevented the city from being taken over with the gates of Shou Chun in very critical state. In matter of days, Wu's counterattack was crushed.

Xin Ye reinforcements allowed Meng Huo forces to recapture Xiang Yang. Although most improvements have been razed to the ground, supplies such as food, weapons and gold were successfully evacuated to Zhong Lu by E Huan. It's a simple matter of bringing them back in to the city while they rebuild. Wu's counterattacks has failed in both fronts with Nanman forces gaining Lu Jiang. Jiang Wei's forces suffered minimal damage while Zhang Bao lost 15,000 men that Li Yan was leading. King Meng Huo lost over 40,000 men in Xiang Yang, but that was nothing compared to the amount Wu has lost within 5 months.

Wu lost nearly 250,000, with 100,000 casualty in Lu Jiang alone. Jiang Ling invasion force suffered the second worst casualty at around 70,000. Jiang Xia ill fated counter attack cost them 60,000. They have to rebuild quickly before Nanman begin another attack.

-End of Chapter 14-

Chapter 13: War Reignited

Year 237 Month 12, Shou Chun

"You look worried, Jiang Wei." Guan Suo remarked.

"Hm. You can say that. Preparations to invade Wu has been...slow. It'll take a while to re-base our troops from the north towards the southern border towns."

"Which cities will be our spearhead?"

"Shou Chun, Xin Ye, and Xiang Yang."

"I guess our targets are all their cities on the northern side of the river first."

"Correct. But it will not be easy. Scouts report 100,000 strong garrison force on Lu Jiang and Jiang Xia. Jiang Ling has 60,000."

"I'll leave it to you, I'll go inspect our supplies and drill our men." Guan Suo left the command tent, braving the cold winds outside.

"It's melting soon. The snow. The alliance. And Wu. Zhuge Liang, I hope I am worthy" Jiang Wei hissed as he warmed his hands over the fire.

Year 238 Month 1
The alliance between Nanman and Wu was dissolved and almost immediately the dust of war ravaged once more between kingdoms. Jiang Wei of Nanman drew up a simultaneous assault plan and led the assault with Guan Suo from Shou Chun to Lu Jiang with 100,000 forces.

Sun Quan responded with an equally large force.

At the same time, Li Yan and Zhang Bao led a charge towards the mountain pass leading towards Jiang Xia from Xin Ye. Their army 80,000 strong.

King Meng Huo, Hua Man and Wu Tugu will hold their position in Xiang Yang, defending against a massive Wu attack from Jiang Ling.

Year 238 Month 3, Lu Jiang Marshes
"March quickly! The enemy will surround us shortly. Raze the farmlands to the north of the Lu Jiang and break their gates." Jiang Wei commanded.

"Commander, the marsh here is bad for cavalry. We can't charge nor perform most of our cavalry tactics at all in this terrain." Wei Yan objected.

"I know, but the roads are littered with archer towers and fortresses. If we can raze our way past the farms and granaries, we should not take too much damage"

"I trust Jiang Wei, let's do this!" Guan Suo shouted as he led a charge past an archer unit.

"Ma Dai, hurry south! Ignore everything else. The city gates is key!"

"Jiang Wei, what about their reinforcements from Jiang Xia? They're headed towards Shou Chun." Sanniang queried.

"Hopefully Zhang Bao and Li Yan can wreak enough havoc to force them to return. Else we need to settle things here quickly. You are our rear guard! I'm counting on you!" Jiang Wei barked.

"Aye, sir!"

Year 238 Month 4, Mountain Pass of Jiang Xia

"Sir! I have terrible news!"

"What is it?" Zhang Bao grumbled. Progress has been slow due to the heavily forested terrain.

"Commander Li Yan...he...passed away sir. He was ill." the soldier struggled with his words.

"Curses. We are now down to half of our numbers. He had no deputy! His unit must've disbanded. Damn it!" Zhang Bao swore.

"Zhang Bao, we should pull back. I'll start a fire to slow them down. We can't take them like this without additional melee units." Wang Ping remarked.

"But if we don't take the city, Shou Chun will be in danger."

"If we fall in Jiang Xia, both Shou Chun and Xin Ye will be in danger. Jiang Wei foresees these things."

"Very well. All units withdraw, set fire to the forests to slow them down!"

Year 238 Month 4, Lu Jiang Outskirts

"Altogether now, CHARGE!" Jiang Wei commanded.

The city walls are crumbling. Soon the populace will submit to their rule, but there's still a matter of handling the defenders outside the walls. That will prove easy with their supplies cut off. Jiang Wei spied the western mountains. Cloud of smoke rose up slowly, but he estimated the source of fire was closer to Xin Ye than Jiang Xia. Something went wrong.

"We need to settle this fast and reinforce Shou Chun!" he barked as the gates of Lu Jiang crumbled and Deng Ai rushed inside to secure the city. The ports will have to wait. Shou Chun must not fall.

Year 238 Month 5, Xiang Yang Outskirts

"Bwahaahhaha, Take THAT!"King Meng Huo swung his giant Pike and killed three men at once. His unit was outnumbered three to one, but he held his ground at Xiang Yang.

"Damn these flame towers will burn the city to the ground. We won't be able to disable it, they have 10,000 troops guarding it!" Wu Tugu lamented.

"Milord, we might have to retreat!" Guo Huai shouted as his unit caught fire from two flame towers raining arrows at them.

"No retreat! Nanmans rally yourselves! The Sleeping Dragon held this city with half the number. We can do better!" Meng Huo let loose a warcry as flames burst from the ground he stood upon.

Guo Huai and Meng Huo's unit willpower are nearly empty. They are unable to perform their sweeping attacks and cannot hope to hold Xiang Yang for much longer. The first three months of Nanman-Shu conflict begin to take its toll as hundreds of thousands marched against each other in the name of their Emperor.

Year 238: Nanman takes Lu Jiang